March 1979

Created by Carole-Anne 4 years ago

After a hair-raising and abortive trip to "Fortune if not Fame" in the Far East, Jolyon (Jenny's younger brother) and his wife Carole-Anne (with 'soon to be Victoria' as an enormous bump on board) fled Singapore in very short order and landed back in UK to start over.  With no home or place to go, Jenny and Jutta saved the day and without hesitation, welcomed us to their lovely home in School Road, Charlton Kings.  Our presence filled every corner of their home but we were safe and allowed to recover and recuperate with love, patience, warmth, food and rest.  This lasted for about two weeks but we would never forget their generosity and kindnesses, allowing us to pick up the pieces and begin to make not only our lives again, but to prepare for Victoria's arrival in June.  

One or two attached photographs show just how very blessed we were - as the only Armstrong siblings resident in the UK and just an hour apart we were able to share so many occasions with our families and friends as our children and ourselves grew older - and a little wiser - but ever closer.

Jenny and Jutta - we have never forgotten - thank you again.
